Thursday 4 April 2013

Coconut Tamarind Chutney

Chutneys are great accompaniment with almost all breakfast items and snacks. Different varieties of chutneys can be made. Coconut chutney goes well with idli, dosa, uthapam and vada.

1.   Coconut( grated)                       - ½ coconut
2.   Shallots                                      -3 nos
3.   Green chillies                             - 2-3
4.   Salt                                             - to taste
5.   Curry leaves                              - 7-8
6.   Ginger                                        - a small piece
7.   Tamarind                                   - grape sized
8.   Water                                         - 3-4 tbsp
9.   Coconut oil                                - 1 tsp

Method: Grind together coconut, shallots,  green chillies, curry leaves, ginger, tamarind and salt with required water.

Transfer to a bowl.

 Pour some coconut oil on top and serve.

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